World Contraception Day Arrives - Are You Clued Up on Safe Sex and Pregnancy?
26th September 2017
world contraception dayToday marks the annual World Contraception Day. Taking place on September 26th each year, the annual global initiative works towards a vision where every pregnancy is wanted. The campaign also tries to boost awareness of the different types of contraception and help young people to make informed choices on their sexual and reproductive health. Unfortunately, fewer pregnancies than ever are actually properly planned out in the modern way. This could be attributed to a poor level of sex education at a young age from both schools and parents, due to reluctance or embarrassment to discuss the issue. Some unplanned pregnancies could arise from misconceptions amongst friends from a young age about the supposed things that can be tried to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. The fact remains though condoms are still one of the most effective ways to prevent pregnancy. The most up-to-date news on World Contraception Day can be found at, however in the meantime here is some of the most important questions answered on the ‘Don’t Myth with Me’ section of the Your Life website: . Will being on the pill for a long time affect my fertility later on in life? It’s actually possible to get pregnant as soon as you stop taking the pill so no, taking the pill long-term will not affect your fertility.

. Can I get pregnant if I’m on my period?

Expert opinion says yes, you can get pregnant while menstruating. The fact that there are a number of stages of a period and that sperm can survive inside a woman`s uterus for up to six days means you should always protect yourself if you don’t want to get pregnant.

. Can the IUS move about inside me and cause problems?

The Intrauterine System (IUS) is an effective method that is inserted by a well-trained healthcare provider and it stays in place for up to 3 or 5 years. The risk of uterine perforation is rare (i.e. <1/1000).

. Can I get pregnant if I don’t have an orgasm?

The pleasure of sex isn’t connected to the science of sex at all. If you have sex without contraception you can get pregnant, whether you enjoy it or not.

. Can taking hormonal contraceptives make me infertile?

Hormonal contraception does not cause infertility. It may take a bit of time for your body to return to a state where you can become pregnant again but this is only temporary. Fertility returns to healthy women to its previous level no matter how long you have taken a hormonal contraceptive method.

. Can I reuse a condom?

No, condoms are not coffee cups that you can rinse out and reuse. They might look ok, but they are made of very thin material that deteriorates with use and can split if used more than once. Also the spermicide inside which helps to stop sperm will have gone, so use a new one each time.

. Is emergency contraception 100% effective?

No contraceptive is 100% effective. It is most effective when taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex, ideally up to 12 hours after, if it’s taken more than 24 hours later, it’s already much less effective. The more prepared you are before sex, the less likely you’ll be to need emergency contraception at all. If you suspect you may be pregnant, the only way to know for certain is to take a pregnancy test. The Clearblue Plus Pregnancy Test and Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test are two options to check if you are pregnant – both fast, accurate and easy to use in the comfort of your own home. Although of course every woman is different, and as such experiences of pregnancy may differ to some degree, the common early pregnancy symptoms include:
  • A missed period
For women with a regular, normal, monthly menstrual cycle, a common sign she may be pregnant may be a missed period. Alternatively, some women may experience a very light period and lose only a small amount of blood.
  • Morning sickness
One of the earliest symptoms the majority of pregnant women experience is morning sickness.  It may begin as early as the pregnancy test reading positive, but most of the time will kick-in at around the sixth week of pregnancy.
  • Breast changes
After conception and once a woman is in around the sixth week of pregnancy, her breasts may become more tender to the touch and feel tingly – similar to just prior to a period. In addition, they could also appear swollen, feel heavier/fuller, and the area around the nipples – the areola – may become larger and darken. Larger breasts that gradually develop over the course of pregnancy are due to changes in breast tissue in preparation for potential breastfeeding.
  • Frequent urination
If women notice they now suddenly need to urinate more frequently than usual, perhaps it is worth purchasing a pregnancy test kit. An increased need to urinate – in particularly during the night – can be an early sign of pregnancy, caused by extra blood and fluid used in pregnancy being excreted through the kidneys. As the baby begins to grow inside the womb, he/she will become big enough to put pressure on the woman’s bladder and further cause a woman to go the toilet more often.
  • Feeling tired and emotional
Especially during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, women may regularly feel tired and even exhausted. The huge hormonal changes occurring in the woman’s body are mainly responsible which can also cause the woman to feel more emotional, become upset easily and have mood swings.