Cigarettes more lethal now than they were 50 years ago
25th June 2014
Underhand tactics carried out by cigarette companies have resulted in cigarettes being both more deadly and more addictive than they were half a century ago, according to a leading charity. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids have released an incredible 42-page report titled Designed for Addiction and details how the tobacco companies have purposely engineered cigarettes to produce smoother tobacco smoke that is less harsh and more tempting to those who have never smoked – especially kids. The charity also add that methods are being utilised to generate and sustain a nicotine addiction for smokers, which will drastically increase their risk of developing lung cancer in the future.

© Their research was carried out based on an analysis of scientific studies and tobacco industry documents, in addition to the Surgeon General's report. They found smokers in the present day have a much higher chance of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer compared to back in 1964. This is despite smoking less cigarettes. So how is this so? Well, firstly, nicotine levels have been increased and also sugars are added which is fuelling the addictive effect. The report also alleges that manufacturers add ammonia compounds, which makes it faster for nicotine to get to the brain. And that isn’t all…Both the taste and smell of cigarettes has been modified by cigarette companies to enable more people to start smoking and continue thereafter, the report states, with levulinic acid utilised to make the smoke feel smoother and less irritating. The report states: “It is clear that tobacco products – and cigarettes in particular – are highly engineered to expand the appeal of these products and facilitate the consumption of and addiction to nicotine, a highly addictive drug. “Tobacco companies also know that almost all new smokers begin their addiction as children and that smoking is distasteful for new smokers, so they carefully design the product to appeal to this important market. “The companies have spent huge sums to research the design of their products and ensure they achieve these goals, even if the impact of these changes also makes the product more dangerous.”